Thursday, November 24, 2011


(Thanksgiving plates for 2011.... of course this is Dana's awesome idea)

Yep, this one is going to be a sappy entry so get ready. So thankful for this family that God is putting together in such a miraculous way. Thankful for all my children and their healthy bodies and happy hearts. Thankful for Sergei and Max's Mother, may she rest in peace, for bringing her children into this world and truly being my guardian angel. For my family...who loves me unconditionally, who would raise one million dollars for me. Thank you, for letting me lean on you and always knowing I can. To my dear friends who cheer (and pray) for me. Letting me cry, making me laugh and loving me even though I am TERRIBLE at returning calls, emails and text. Sweet, sweet Kevin, without you I would be lost. You are the Ying to my Yang, so thankful for the life we have had for the last 12 years together and can't wait for the next 50!

Max and Sergei have been unreachable by phone. The phone is in the orphanage office which is in the basement of the building with 280 kids. Nobody can hear the phone ringing! I thought for sure one or two naughty kids would walk pass and pick up but we tried for an hour and a half and still nothing, blah. We have mailed our first stack of form to Ukraine to be translated. We are being told March is going to be the soonest we can travel because Max is only 5 and that puts him on a “baby” list which slows the process down. I know it seems slow but everything is moving pretty quickly and according to schedule. Still makes us ache not having them here. March is the goal.

So grateful for all we grateful for you.

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