Saturday, May 5, 2012

Adoption paperwork timeline:

I thought this would be easier to see what we are doing over here to get the adoption DONE! Every document and step is required and must be completed/filed before we can move on. The SDA (Ukrainian adoption offices) only accepts paperwork Mon. Weds and Fri. Also remember that Kiev is an overnight train-ride away from Mariupol. Everyone is closed for the weekends and holidays usually delay any paperwork processing a week. With all of this, you will realize how AWESOME our adoption agency, The Stork, is and that our local facilitator Sasha is the BOMB!! If a form has to be signed by someone at 9pm, during a holiday…Sasha tracks them down …and gets it done!
April 22 – Leave Salt lake City, Utah (we went stand-by without a hitch!)
April 24 – Arrived in Ukraine (arrival date required by our adoption agency
April 26 – SDA Appointment (Check in with country and get permission to go to orphanage)
April 27 – Overnight train-ride from Kiev to Mariupol (this is the town the boys orphanage is in)
April 28 – 1st visit to orphanage! (Saturday)
May 1   - MAY DAY HOLIDAY (office closed officially Monday and Tuesday)
May 3 -   Doctor appointment at orphanage (required meeting)
                 Signed and Notarize an “Intent to adopt” to local ministry
May 4 -   Signed and Notarized an “Intent to adopt “ to Kiev. (We signed this Friday. Sasha met                someone after 8pm to complete and he took the train to Kiev the next day to hand 
May 5 – Our paperwork will be reviewed on Monday. Once that is complete we will get a court date (we are waiting to see what day.) This will take place in Mariupol and we will have Sasha as our representative, there will be two jurors a judge and a prosecutor. The last court held the prosecutor was tough...really tough.

We can feel all your prayers and are so grateful for every single one…PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING!!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great the timeline! I can't wait to hear about your court date!! WOO HOO! Sounds like you are just the mom for these boys. Your positive attitude and faith are exactly what they need with all they've been through. What a happy life they will have with such loving parents! Love you guys!
