Sunday, February 19, 2012

My CPA Rules!

(Marvin Neumann, CPA being bamboozled at Applebee's)

The last form we needed completed, notarized and appostilled was our 2011 taxes and then our paperwork would be done and ready to send to Ukraine. Que: Music (Something grand and with a superhero, save the day, theme) Que: Marvelous Marvin Neumann, our awesome CPA and dear family friend.

Me: “Marv, I need you to do my”
Marv: “It is 11 o'clock (PM) and I am at Applebee's, I can't do your taxes today!”
Me: “Ok, I just pulled into the parking lot...I will follow you to your office”
A few hours later...2 AM-ish
Marv: “Your taxes are done and you are getting a refund.”

Marv you are the best, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!!! With that done, the papers were stamped, cried on and then mailed to Ukraine. We are done! It took five months,thousands of dollars, much love and tons of ink for notary and appostille stamps, but we are done!

We now wait for the Ukraine Government to go through the papers and invite us over. We are guessing our invitation to travel will be around the last part of April. The work of gathering and regathering all the necessary documents has been hard emotionally, physically and financially. We could not have done it without Stork (our adoption agency) and the other adoptive families who I have cried with, laughed with and drank with (Diet Coke.....for now). Thank you to the Murfords, the Gardiners, the Millers, the Bahrs, the Kochies and the Jolleys. To all of our dear friends, family and strangers, thank you for praying for us, thinking of us, spreading our story and donating to the adoption of our beautiful, sweet sons.

In loving memory of Grandpa Dick Maxfield who passed away Feb.13 , we miss you and are grateful to have you as a guardian angel. So happy that you and Sergei met this summer. Now grab that glass of whiskey and watch over our papers!

1 comment:

  1. WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you all and can't wait for the next news. A travel date! Keeping you all and Sergi and Max in our prayers, hoping that things will all fall into place and your family is together soon.
