Friday, March 30, 2012

Freaking Out!

Okay people we are freaking out over here!  We are waiting for "THEEE CALL" to tell us when to travel. We think it will come around the 9th which is exciting but the stressful part is how soon we are going to have to leave once that call comes in. Ukraine is actually plowing through paperwork and so the families that are trailblazing this process have been given a 1 1/2 to 2 week notice....I AM NOT READY!!!!! Yes, I am! No, I am not! So I am acting like a crazy lady over here and Kevin can't divorce me because we are about to have 5 kids!!!! I really am acting a little wack-a-doo and instead of getting ready for our trip by doing laundry or something more practical, I want to organize the pencil drawer. I am totally nesting. Ready or not these babies (I know they are 14 and 6 but they are still my babies) are going to be here laundry piles or not!!!  God is great and he must really love me because he has carried me every step of this journey, maybe he wouldn't mind starting a load of wash for me while he is at it!

1 comment:

  1. You are ready, we just need you to get the phone call, and get on that plane, and bring those boys home.
