Thursday, October 27, 2011

Let the little children come unto me...

"Let the little children come unto me...for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

I can't see to type this blog...damn tears! We are in awe of the love and charity we have been shown by precious children who are helping us raise the money to get Max and Sergei home. When I first saw our thermometer goal ,even I was thinking  "this is never going to happen" and it is MY thermometer!$50,000.00 could we ever raise this amount of money?

Faithful children who have written us sweet, pure, innocent letters and have given us their hard earned money have faith that takes my breath away. They never thought their $10, $5, or $1 donations wouldn't help...they just mailed it because they had faith that it would be enough. These kids, these children make me want to be better. Their faith, their prayers and their money are changing our lives. Their faith is proving that every penny counts. To all of these children who haven given so freely to us...we are forever in your gratitude. Thank you for your unshakable faith and examples that reminds us God is so great and we see him everyday in the faces of our children.

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