Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We Skated the Night Away

 My hilarious brother in law found this photo of Van Halen rollerskating. He wanted to use it on the flyers for our skate night but it just didn't scream "help out some orphans" to me. It did make me laugh though! We had a GREAT night at Classic Skate. There was some hokey pokey, a chicken dance and even new carpet!!

Our family, friends and some total strangers were once again very generous and we made over $2,000! That put our total at over $40,000!! We are amazed by this. I cry every time I think about it. The skate night was our last fundraiser, at least for a few months, and we cannot say enough how much we appreciate all you have all done for us! (We were starting to get worried that if we had one more fundraiser you were all going to block our emails!) We are going to keep working on our goal of raising $50,000 but we are going to switch our focus on getting all our adoption paperwork in order.

On that front we got some good news this week  . . . our background checks are done and all that remains for our homestudy is the social worker coming to our home! That will happen this week and step one of our adoption will be officially crossed off the list!

Our other good news this week was that we got permission to call Sergei at the orphanage. We haven't been able to talk to him since he left. We have sent him packages and letters but it is difficult for the orphans to write back and get the letter sent off without an adult to help them. The phone call requires some strategy. We need an interpreter, we need to call during Ukrainian business hours and we need to hope someone answers. We tried a call last Friday and we were able to get through to the orphanage but Sergei wasn't available. We called back a few hours later but nobody answered. We will be trying again this week, we will keep you posted!

Thank you again - this is a daunting process and it has been made much easier knowing we have the support of all of you!

(Click here to see some photos of the boy's orphanage and read some facts about orphanages in the Ukraine)

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