Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bonjour Kiev

So I need to pull some of the blogging weight around here. I am more of a Twitter sort of person in that I have a very short attention span #lazy. Well we are in Kiev and Sasha is awesome. He gave us a ride into downtown so that we wouldn't get on the metro and with our great skills in Ukrainian end up lost - forever. We started at St. Alexander Cathedral to go see Jesus and to look for Russian\Ukrainain languge catechisms. We did find some fun coloring books for the younger kids. Next - down the hill to Maidan Nezhalezhnasty (independence square).

Maidan Nezhalezhnasty has a statue of Saint Michael on one side and some pagan goddess named berehynia on a tall pedestal on the other side (I say switch places). There are statues as well to to Kyi, Schek, Khoryv, Lybid, and Cossack Mamay. Under it all is the metro and an underground mall that must be very nice when the weather is cold. Today by the way the weather was perfect.

Tomorrow morning will start with our visit to the SDA and from there we will schedule a train ride to Mariupol for the weekend. If all continues to go as expected we will again see Sergei and for the first time meet Maksym all by Saturday. I should have put an exclamation point or two at the end of that last sentence.

I am nervous and excited to meet the boys - we are very blessed to be able to even consider the chance to be a part of these kid's lives and yet here we are.

спокойной ночи!


  1. Nice man bag Kev! You love it - don't you? You went to France and saw that they really are manly! I say free the men! Make it ok for them to have a place for their gadgets and their chapstick!

  2. It's 11pm here at work in Utah, you are probably just getting up for your first big appointment. Wishing you all the best and God Speed.
