Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 3: We held our boys

We have been waiting for this day for so long….we held our boys today! We sat in Lyudmila’s office (orphanage director) and was told the boys have been there since Sept. 2010. Their Mother has passed away and they have been visited by a relative (Uncle?)  who could not take them. Lots of information to untangle and find out but that will wait until next week. For today it was all about loves and hugs! They let us visit for a while and I cried when my boys walked in! Maksym came in first and ran into my arms and then Sergei came from a door behind me  and I held and kissed that boy and he squeezed me right back! We are together, we belong. As we walked into the private “family” room the secretary said the boys looked like Kevin, I totally agree!
I think there was a mix up in personalities descriptions at the SDA appointment because they listed Sergei  as “active” and Maksym as “reserved”…switch that. Sweet Sergei watched over his brother and painted airplanes with Kevin and refused all the candy I brought. Max giggled and laughed and bounced off the walls. He was not shy to call Kevin “Papa” which made me tear up …again! Sergei has grown a bit and Max is slim but not as short as I thought he was. Probably right in-between Suzy and Pearl…everyone will think they are triplets!
Kevin and I are beaming new proud parents. Sergei never took the St. Michael necklace off that Kevin gave him the day he left and Max obviously feels safe if his big brother is around. I am calm, happy and overjoyed all at once. Life is good…no life is great!
I am listing quite a bit of personal information on the boys/us because I know at home you are hanging on every word. We would not be here without you…this day never would have been if it wasn’t for you. If I could stuff you all in my suitcase to witness this I would have but since I can’t I hope this is the next best thing. This day was joy pure joy.  Your prayers are heard, we are in Ukraine with our boys…a miracle.
We get to see them tomorrow and have a court date coming up next week. We saw Victoria and was able to hand her a package from her family and get a picture!, We saw Ruslan (Murford’s son) walk by and got to talk and hug Dema (Gardnier’s son). “Big Sergei” also passed by the door! We did not pass any other packages out but will try tomorrow and will try to get photos for all the families adopting back home!
I don’t know why Ludmilla has a bad rap because as far as we can tell..SHE RULES! We love her and are forever grateful for her role in getting our sons home. Stayed tuned….tomorrow we go back in the morning for a few hours….YAHOOOO!!!


  1. Tears of joy for all of you are running down my face as I read this. Enjoy every minute, it will be so hard to leave them when you return to Utah. But it won't be long until the WHOLE family is together under one roof.

  2. Photos?!? Give lots of love to big Sergei and Dima!!

  3. So exciting! I have been checking the blog all day waiting to hear this fantastic news! Please send pics, we are dying to see you and the boys together! Love you all!

  4. YAY!! I have waited all day for this! How wonderful for you. I knew it would be joyful! We love you guys!!!

  5. So happy to see you all together. Hugs to each of you.
    Grammy Pammy

  6. I bawled through reading this whole post. I am soooo excited for you guys. So sweet. We continue to prayer for your family to be home and all together soon.

    Love you all!
