Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 23 US Embassy

Becky here...I am in Kiev and Kevin is in Mariupol a day away. He has already taken over blogging and photo posting duties but thought I would do a quick update from my phone. The Embassy was great and it did make me feel a little closer to home. I got teary when I saw the  American flag flying outside my Russian speaking driver thinks I am nuts. I filled out some papers and Kevin and the boys will complete them before they leave. The Embassy was easy and now I am just getting ready to leave Ukraine tomorrow...I love this country but I have been gone so long I can't wait to leave. To all my children..I dream about holding you!


  1. Isn't it GREAT knowing that the beginning is in your reach now! Beginning a life as a family of 7 is truly just around the corner.

  2. Becky, so glad you are coming home. Suzy and Pearl were so cute at the dance recital last night. Pearl smiled a lot and Suzy was great at posing. We took lots of pictures and video too. Charlotte sat with us and stood on her chair and mimicked the dance moves of all the dance groups. Hilarious!

    Love you. Be safe. Grammy

  3. Grammy..

    We miss you so much! So grateful you love us and your grand babies so much!! Can't wait to see all the video we are sure you have taken! Thank you!!!!!

  4. No time did it! It's all over and now you can just be mommy. No more running to get apostilles, notarizations, writing checks, fundraising. Can you believe it! I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations! LOVE YOU! XOOX
